Enrolment For Rahnuma-FPAP Board of Governance External Member
Rahnuma-Family Planning Association of Pakistan (Rahnuma-FPAP), a Member Association of IPPF London, is the country’s leading organization that works to promote Reproductive Health by providing high-quality SRH & FP Services to men, women and youth in partnership with government, NGOs and Civil society.
An External Member position in Board of Governance has been vacant from Federal GB & AJK Region, the interested applicants having experience and expertise in the field of Sexual Reproductive Health, Family Planning, Women Empowerment, Sexual Gender Based Violence, Capacity Building, People with diversified sexual orientation, Finance etc. and a strong track record of integrity and accountability are required to submit their CVs and filled Skills Matrix along-with other Credentials (if any) etc. in properly sealed envelope to the following postal / e-mail address till the closing date which is 28th February, 2025. For Skills Matrix, please visit here.
Abid Hussain
A/Director Administration & Governance
Rahnuma-Family Planning Association of Pakistan
3-A, Temple Road, Lahore-54000
UAN: +92-42-111 22 33 66 – Ext: 320
E-mail: abid@fpapak.org
Rahnuma-Family Planning Association of Pakistan (Rahnuma-FPAP), a Member Association of IPPF London, is the country’s leading organization that works to promote Reproductive Health by providing high-quality SRH & FP Services to men, women and youth in partnership with government, NGOs and Civil society.
The Mission of Rahnuma-FPAP is to lead a movement for SRH & FP as a basic Human Right. To become part of this movement ‘Enrol as a Volunteer’. Our doors are open for committed individuals having experience and expertise in the field of Sexual Reproductive Health, Family Planning, Women Empowerment, Gender Based Violence, Capacity Building, Finance etc. and a strong track record of integrity, accountability and follow the rules of government as required. If you fulfil this criterion, register as an ORDINARY MEMBER and become part of the global movement. We also nurture Youth as the future leaders. If your age is between 18-20 years, do come forward and register as a YOUTH MEMBER.
The interested applicants from all over Pakistan are required to submit their CVs and filled Skills Matrix along-with other Credentials (if any) etc. to the following postal/e-mail address. For Skills Matrix, please Click here. For Membership Policy please Click here.
Note: If anyone has already submitted the desired information please ignore this.
Mr. Abid Hussain
Director Administration & Governance
Rahnuma-Family Planning Association of Pakistan
3-A, Temple Road, Lahore-54000
Cell#: 0321-4012613
UAN: +92-42-111 22 33 66 – Ext: 320
E-mail: abid@fpapak.org