Mr. Baber Ali Khan is the student of class 10, from Ghari Duppata, Muzaffarabad AJK and he is affiliated with R-FPAP from the last two years as volunteer. He had some issues regarding puberty. Mr. Baber is involved and usually imparting information on the issues within family, community, peers, men and elder brothers of young people because he understands that father and elder brother also having the main responsibility to provide information to their Younger’s during puberty changing’s.
Mr. Mudassir Nazir Khwaja is a trained peer educator & supports group member of Youth Project belongs from Hattian Duppata district Muzaffarabad AJK. Before awareness on LSBE components and SRH other topics he was not confident to talk on these issues with peers. He was feeling shy to discuss about SRH issues and now able to attend seminars, sessions and workshops on such topics and providing inputs. Now he is involved in delivering SRH and LSBE sessions at YRC and community level and participated in discussions confidently pertinent to SRH. He quotes this experience of his life with other friends & shares his experience to his likeminded men & young people and a number of clients come to FHMC with his reference.
Ms. Nadia Manzoor belongs to Center Plate, Muzaffarabad AJK. She is train Peer Educator and working with R-FPAP since February, 2015. For last two years she is involved in SGBV project as part and team lead of Theater Group called “Say No to Violence”. She is engaged in pre theater sessions on LSBE, SGBV and SRH and post theater feedback from participants. She also performed/participated in different LSBE sessions at YRC and YFS. The involvement of Ms. Nadia in different intervention of R-FPAP brought a great change in his life. Before awareness on SGBV, SRH and Gender Roles and Duties, HIV AIDS, Human Rights and other such topics, she was not confident to talk about issues related to all these even with her relatives or friends. She acknowledges the importance of LSBE and admired the concept being generated by the R-FPAP about LSBE.
Syeda Ummara Sajjad a MSc. Psychology student in University of AJK belongs to Gojra Muzaffarabad AJK. She got internship opportunity in R-FPAP for two months. During this tenure she participated in different promotional activities pertinent to SGBV, LSBE and SRHR and provision of SRHR services through mobile camps. She observed and delivered sessions on SRH issues at YRCs and community. At first Ummara attended the sessions but at that time she did not participate in discussion. She used to remain silent most of the time but when she knew the community response and their different issues, then realized that such information are very important for healthy life. She shared that LSBE is very important to be implemented at school level and there is a dire need of such information in current scenario. The knowledge, education and information she got during two months with R-FPAP is very helpful for her and her family and peers because she was of the view that now I am confidently talking on LSBE, SGBV and SHR within family, peer groups and conducting session/discussion in form of group and individually in university with fellows and they also encouraging me for such practical information whom every individual are facing now a days and there are very rare opportunities to be discussed these issues.
Zarmina Jameel is a married women and having four children. Her husband is working as a security guard but their monthly income is limited. She belongs from Chella Bandhi Muzaffarabad AJK. She got admission at KATO center of six months course of stitching and knitting. She completed her course successfully within six months and later on for some time she regularly visiting the center for practice. Later on she was facilitated from PAP project by provision of micro financing. She took loan in Jan, 2017 and purchased stitching machine and raw material. Now she is busy in stitching and knitting at home. She takes order for production from community especially during Eid festivals and winter season. Sometimes she gets order of stitching of marriage ceremony and generating income for livelihood of her family. She shared the income are contributing in day to day expenses of family and especially in health and education of the family. Zarmina is feeling satisfaction & happiness that she is playing an important role to resolve economic issues of her family. She gives credit to Rahnuma-FPAP’s Kato Center and Organization.
During SGBV screening a case was identified. Ms. Fouzia begum resident of Grid Colony Bagh AJK is 32 years old married woman. Her marriage was a forced, start of the marital life was not good and later on her in-laws and other relatives started abusing her, including physical abuse from start. Consequently she became a victim of SGBV. This inequality and lack of trust caused physical and mental illness in her. R-FPAP provided her a psycho-social support social organizer which helps her to come out from these problems in a better way, along with counselling, this training and counselling boosted her confidence level. She was trained on the skill of kitchen gardening which helped her to support her family financially, later on she was funded with the micro-credit by FPAP’s project and now she has established her own mini setup and started supporting her family and living as a separate from in laws. She states that “I have been benefited in a way that I have been sensitized about services that I can get by this project. It changed my life by Confidence Building and Awareness about my basic rights”. She is now bravely living in society and also help to make a good relationship with family members.