RAHNUMA-FPAP recognizes it has an obligation to put in place all reasonable safeguarding measures to ensure, as far as possible, the safety and protection of children, young people and vulnerable adults, including those with whom we work and those in the communities where RAHNUMA-FPAP work is undertaken.
RAHNUMA-FPAP is committed to the highest possible standards of honesty, excellence, consistency, compassion, fairness, integrity and accountability. The Organization Whistleblowing encourages and enables all concerned to raise serious concerns within the Organization rather than overlooking a problem or ‘blowing the whistle’ outside.
Raise a concern or Whistle Blowing committee is comprises on Chairperson RahnumaFPAP, Director Administration and Manager HR. Where a RAHNUMA-FPAP volunteer is the subject of an investigation, the Chairperson will take the lead while Director Admin will lead for vender/partners. Similarly Manager HR will lead for staff concerns.

All concern related to SAFEGUARDING of CHILDREN & VULNERABLE ADULTS or regarding sexual harassment and financial corruption will be dealt separately and carried out through SAFEREPORT procedure of Rahnuma – FPAP and submitted to the safeguarding focal person in confidential manners. All such concern may report through the methods mentioned in SAFEREPORT poster.
Note: In case a concern is against any member of the Raise a concern or Whistleblowing committee of the organization itself, the same may be reported directly to the Chief Executive Officer.