GCHCI Plus initiative is envisaged and later implemented to extend Family Planning (FP), Menstrual Regulation and (PAC) services including post abortion contraception, post-partum contraception and standalone contraception through 10 existing FPAP doctor based service delivery points. Unsafe abortions by back street providers have been rampant which alone account for mounting death toll of pregnant women in Pakistan. So much so, abortion is taken for a family planning method instead. Against this backdrop of high fertility, high maternal and infant mortality rate, and the inaccessibility of FP services in the country, there has been a pressing need for quality interventions in Family planning and menstruation regulation (MR) services. In addition to this, the lack of integration of family planning and natal services is a lost opportunity for post-partum and post abortion contraceptive uptake.
With 60% of Pakistan’s population below 24 years and early marriages being common, there is a need to respond to the child spacing needs of this group through promoting modern contraceptives. During 2014 all 10 clinics were upgraded, service providers trained and equipment supplies maintained. Capacity building of service providers focusing on MR, TIA, Medical Abortion, FP Methods including LTPM and counseling skills were undertaken during the reporting period. All health facilities have basic essential equipment to provide services; 100% of facilities reported no stock out of IUDs, Implants and MVAs. Furthermore Integrating FP services with other health services such as immunization, new born or child care services and hands-on training for service providers on technical skills were conducted on MA, FP and integrated counseling. Under this initiative Value clarification training (VCAT) was held in collaboration with Ipas which was attended by GCACI Plus concern staff, core staff and volunteers. This helped in clarifying the biases and Country’s law on abortion services. All Quality Assurance Doctors (QADs) are regularly visiting all project locations to assess the level and quality of service provision. On job supervision has improved the Quality of care as well as clientele at all SDPs.