Rahnuma-FPAP | Rahnuma Family Planning Association of Pakistan

Committed to changing lives

Board of Governance

The Board of Governance is the apex governance body of the organization and is responsible for ensuring the effective governance of the Association. It consists of fifteen Members including youth members under the age of 25 years and may also include representatives from vulnerable and marginalized groups / people living openly with HIV, while maintaining the gender balance i.e. 50%. The Board of Governance advance and promote through advocacy the objectives and purposes of Rahnuma-FPAP and undertakes policies to promote and implement the objectives of Rahnuma-FPAP. Formulate policies to promote and implement the objectives of Rahnuma-FPAP and consider and approve the Strategic Plan, Annual Programme and Budget.

The Board of Governance review, receive, consider and adopt the Annual Report and Audited Statement of Accounts each year. It also review, receive and consider the budget and any re-appropriation of the budget according to the funds received. It can undertake, consider, review, approve and reject the recommendations of Regional Councils / Advisory Committee and further can receive and consider the report of the Audit Committee. It considers and approve financial and management regulations and amendments thereof, which govern the affairs of Rahnuma-FPAP. Elect the office-bearers of the Rahnuma-FPAP i.e. President, Chairperson and Treasurer for a three year term and, as necessary, its representatives to international and other bodies/meetings. For organizational efficiency the Board of Governance ensure that the management is institutionalized through a functional system and requisite professional competence.

It can constitute such advisory committees, panels and other bodies as the activities of Rahnuma-FPAP may require and fix the dues and subscription fee of membership. Appoint auditors and fix their remunerations and transact any other business with the approval of the Chair. Appoint conducting officer for conducting election for office bearer positions before the election year. Member’s term shall be staggered in order to maintain continuity of organizational knowledge and expertise. It has power to appoint Chief Executive Officer and determine his / her terms of service. Further can receive and review reports from the Chief Executive Officer on the implementation of the approved annual programme and budget and follow up of decisions of the Board of Governance and work of such Advisory Committees as are established. It approve the recruitments, suspension, termination and resignation of life / ordinary / external /voluntary members as recommended by the Membership Committee. 

The Board of Governance assess the performance, effectiveness and efficiency of its members individually and on a collective basis or may conduct evaluation / self-assessment of its members through independent person/consultant and compile, summarize. The assessment process will take place during the last meeting of Board of Governance of every year. These reports and results shall be kept confidential. The functions of the Board of Governance have since been delegated to the President of Rahnuma-FPAP during the interim period of meeting. The Board of Governance may authorize delegation of the relevant powers to any advisory committee as they deem fit for the purpose of efficient governance of Rahnuma-FPAP.


  1. Mr. Muhammad Razzaque
    President, Rahnuma-FPAP
  2. Dr. Riffat Sardar
    Chairperson, Rahnuma-FPAP
  3. Mr. Muhammad Idrees
    Treasurer, Rahnuma-FPAP


  1. Mr. Aurangzeb Khan
  2. Mr. Muhammad Idrees
  3. Ms. Mahrukh Qambarani (Youth)


  1. Ms. Kaneez Fatima


  1. Ms. Rabia Shah
  2. Mr. Abbas Jan (Youth)


  1. Dr. Rubina Sohail
  2. MS. Zoha Riaz (Youth)


  1. Ms. Nayyer Rubab Sultana
  2. Ms. Jessica Yousaf (Youth)

Regional Council

The Regional Council shall comprise of registered and paying members of the Region consisting of (ordinary and youth members) and is the basic membership body of the association. There shall be five Regional Councils i.e Balochistan Region, Federal, GB & AJK Region, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) Region, Punjab Region and Sindh Region. The Regional Council undertake resource mobilization and fund-raising in the Region. Advance and promote through advocacy the objectives and purposes of Rahnuma.

It receive and consider the regional annual report including financial statements, from Regional Director for onward transmission to the Board of Governance. Maintain record of the enrolled, suspended or terminated ordinary members as well as of those who are eligible to become internal members of the Board of Governance as defined in the Bye-laws. Consider and propose the policy issues within the Strategic Plan Framework for consideration by the Board of Governance.

The Regional council provides the platform /forum for sharing knowledge / youth learning and confirm the appointment to the Board of Governance. Assist the Board of Governance in achieving Rahnuma’s objectives in their respective Region and review the performance of the Board of Governance. The Chair appointed by the Board of Governance may delegate authority for smooth function of Rahnuma-FPAP at regional level. It can consider the constitutional amendments and recommend to Board of Governance.