Rahnuma-FPAP launched a project to address gender-based violence (GBV) and Harmful Traditional Practices (HTP), and responding to the needs of survivors in Mardan, addressing these issues within the ultra-conservative district (Mardan). The project was supported by Government of Japan, through the IPPF Japan Trust Fund (JTF) was targeted to address gender discrimination; improve the demand for, and the supply of reproductive health services; and to combat GBV and HTP. The purposes of the project was to increase the access of 3,000 GBV and HTP survivors to FP&RH services and promote women’s economic empowerment particularly of GBV and HTP survivors. It was hoped that these interventions would transform the perceptions and behaviour of local communities in where GBV and HTP are regarded as a normal and acceptable part of domestic life. Furthermore under this project capacity building of services providers for effective screening of GBV survivors undertaken and sixteen trainings sessions were conducted with 224 identified GBV survivors. Moreover 25 GBV survivors were trained and connected with local market having businesses of embroidery, qureshy work and handicrafts.
Another achievement of the project was agreement/MoU with Govt Technical Vocational Center Takht Bhai and Gujar Garhi, District Mardan where 35 GBV survivors identified and enrolled for advance trainings at the center. Rahnuma/FPAP also organized three one day consultative and sensetization sessions with religious leaders at district level on GBV/HTP.