Service delivery network of Rahnuma-FPAP has facilitated its clients and outreach communities in Safe Motherhood services by extending ante-natal, natal and post-natal examination services at its respective outlets. Management of post abortion complications, viral and communicable diseases is also provided at service delivery points. Immunization services are extended as per GOP EPI program for adults and children, services of Tetanus Toxoid immunization to pregnant women through ante-natal care which can contribute in reduction of MMR and IMR as a whole.
Counseling services are basic building block of all Sexual Reproductive Health & Family Planning services provided at our service outlets, where special emphasis is given to counsel the mothers and expected mothers regarding maternal and child nutrition, immunization, breastfeeding, early diagnosis regarding STIs, RTIs, VCT, HIV and AIDS, early detection of breast and cervical cancers by self-examination, Pap smear examination.
Developed, updated and disseminated IEC material through service delivery points, RHE and community meetings. Quality of Care protocols strengthened and is used system wide for regular monitoring of services in Rahnuma-FPAP service delivery system.
Capacity development and value clarification workshop of technical and managerial staff and volunteers was organized. Appropriate resource mobilization carried out regarding improved services to poor and marginalized men, women and young people.
Linkages are strengthened during 2012 to enhance and improve the diagnostic laboratory services, development of referral linkages for training and advance diagnosis. During 2012 more linkages are developed and strengthened with civil society organizations and other service delivery organizations for the promotion of services at Family Health Hospital and Family Health Clinics level. Trained Birth Attendants, Family Planning Representatives and Community Based Distributors are mobilized to enhance the scope of services through these upgraded clinics.
Regarding the outreach services, bi-monthly visits of doctors/LHVs to communities in the vicinity of SDPs is now the part of our core activities and services during 2012. It is expected that it will help to generate more clients for Sexual Reproductive Health services at Rahnuma-FPAP outlets in future.
To strengthen the Quality of Care component and to ensure maintenance of Quality of Care standards of service delivery through Rahnuma-FPAPs service delivery points, trainings and refreshers on Quality of Care are conducted, that based on the shortfalls identified during medical audits and scoring of service delivery outlets by Head Office and by QAD. In this regard monitoring visits, exit interviews, self-assessment, internal assessment and external assessments of SDPs were conducted as core activity in 2012.
Refreshers were organized for skill enhancement and capacity building of staff including doctors, Lady Health Visitors, Trained Birth Attendants, Midwives, Family Planning Representatives, Lab Technicians, field support workers and motivators on gender sensitive and rights based approaches and services. It helped to increases the scope of improvement in Family Planning & Sexual Reproductive Health & Right services, STI diagnostic and treatment services, strengthening of youth friendly services and to introduce male services in more family health service outlets.