FHHs act as referral hospitals for their community based static and mobile service delivery centers and operate as one-window operation. Informed choices and Quality of Care (QoC) are the hallmark of its services. Highly qualified medics and paramedic based FHHs are providing services ranging from safe motherhood to early diagnosis of cancers. Head Office provides technical guidance and facilitation regarding medical standards and policies to the FHH and ensures that FP & RH services are up to highest Medical Standards. The objective is to provide technical and operational assistance, multi-level facilitation in establishing referral network, capacity building of medics, developing of information material and maintaining professional environment.
Family Health Clinic is the basic building block of Rahnuma-FPAP’s services delivery network. These are community-based centers handled by LHVs and assisted by community motivators.
Rahnuma-FPAP started the project in 1969 to cater for the needs of marginalized and underserved communities of rural areas and urban slums. In 1998 their service capacity was enhanced by including laboratory tests. The volunteers generate public support for FP&RH services through a network of TBAs, CBDs and satisfied clients.
FHC acts as the first referral base of service delivery system; it refers the clients to FHH. It is also supported by mobile teams. At present Rahnuma-FPAP has a network of FHCs providing services to masses at their doorsteps on affordable rates.
FHC project is operative in all provinces of Pakistan. They are providing defined range of contraceptive services to the clients of marginalized communities and underserved population. These clients are referred for contraceptive surgery and other specialized treaments to nearby FHHs. They offer simple laboratory tests and their environment is client friendly and the quality of care is observed strictly. Regular on-job training is provided to FHC staff to improve their professional skills.
Model Clinics provided back support to all service delivery points. These hospitals and clinics are equipped with state of the art equipment and extend complete range of FP and SRH services including male sterilization. A comprehensive package of diagnostic facilities has also been offered at these service delivery points ranging from simple laboratory services to X-rays and ultrasound facilities.
Private practitioners form part of R-FPAP system of referral network. R-FPAP provides Private Practitioners trainings, low cost family planning commodities and assistance in maintaining quality standards.
These include shop keepers, registered hakeems and traditional birth attendants. These function as an important source of referred clients and distribution of FP methods.
These clinics belong to private individuals. Under a formal MoU, Rahnuma-FPAP provides them technical support, monitoring, quality of care oversight, FP and SRH commodities.
Mobile Contraceptive Services Project was introduced to cover the far-flung areas and hinterland to serve poorest of the poor and marginalized communities in 1986. MCS has been specially designed to meet the needs of geographically isolated areas where transportation facilities are scarce and services are not accessible easily. Besides distributing Oral Pills, condoms, injectable contraceptives, primary health care and general SRH services are also provided. IEC materials are also distributed. Cases requiring specialized care especially contraceptive surgeries and referred to FHHs. Mobile camps are facilitated by TBAs, that provides a good number of referrals. Lady Health Workers of National Program for FP and PHC work in close collaboration to MCS project.
Drop in Center provides a mix of services including, primary health care, RH, FP, Psychosocial & Psychosexual counseling services. Produce referral for Voluntary Counselling and Testing of HIV and AIDS. Provide space and environment for informal/formal education and recreational activities to improve and raise the mental level of understanding and standard of living of MSW, Hijras (transgender) to inculcate among them the sense of self-esteem.
DIC can provide privacy and confidentiality to FSW, MSW and Hijras. These points can provide supply of condoms and lubricants to them and can extend treatment and precautions which need to be taken care of during sexual contacts.